Feeling Optimistic

Spring is here. Vaccination is underway. A year into the pandemic, optimism is in the air. What does all of this mean for marketing leaders? Let’s take a moment to pause and reflect.

  • We humans naturally feel more hopeful in the springtime.
  • This spring, that hope is merited. This past week, the number of people vaccinated for COVID globally hit four-hundred million.
  • We’re not out of the woods yet, but there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about things, including the economy. Here’s a list of 17 of them.
  • Others see optimism as our moral obligation. Especially when times are hard.
  • Like any strength, though, optimism can also be weakness. We marketers sometimes believe too much in a better future, damaging our credibility as a result.
  • Positive energy can also be tricky in leaderships and culture building. Too much of a good thing and you end up with “toxic positivity“, which can be just as destructive as rampant cynicism.
  • If you’re looking for the right balance point, we love the notion of “tragic optimism“. The concept was first defined by Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl in 1985. The basic gist: there is space to experience both the good and the bad, and we can grow from each.
  • How can you bring the right kind of optimism to your job as a leader? There are some great tips here. Unsurprisingly, it starts with showing up and modelling the mindset yourself.
  • In very practical terms, we love this simple advice: share every piece of good news.
  • In that spirit, here’s some good news from us: even though he can’t spar and train normally, Peter has used this time to focus on developing more precise skills as a boxer. As a result, he’s made real progress with speed, technique and confidence. Check out that form!
Issue #116
Mar 21, 2021

Further Reading