We marketers are curious and observant people. This superpower is really useful. And often undervalued. It also has some downsides. As 2020 draws to a close, let’s take a moment to pause and reflect.
- In our experience, marketers are often curious and sensitive people. We are people who notice things.
- And because we notice things, we have a knack for making other things—businesses, brands, products, people, ideas—more noticeable.
- This is the essence of what we do. It reminds us of Seth Godin’s maxim: “If it’s noticed, it’s marketing.”
- The ability to truly notice things may sound simple, but it’s trickier than you might think. And more important.
- For example, noticing is a vital ingredient to creativity. The artist Grayson Perry once said “My job is to notice things that other people don’t”.